Black Cat Male Sexual Enhancement Pills 12pk
Time to let the Cat out of the packet and increase your sexual control and confidence. With increased blood flow to your member, you and your partner will experience increased length, width and stamina with a rock hard erection.
- Increase the time of intercourse!
- Be FREE from premature ejaculation!
- Better ejaculation control, No-Limit increased volume of ejaculate!
- Amazing increase in thickness and increases length, width and stamina!
- Experience rock hard erections!
- Increased sexual confidence.
- Increases intense, explosive orgasms!
- Guaranteed Enhancement!
Usage and effects:
Take one Black Cat capsule one hour before sex to help energy, libido and sexual performance. BLACK CAT can also be used on a regular basis to maintain optimal condition of readiness before sex.
For best results, take Black Cat one hour apart from taking other supplements or medications.
Consult your physician if you have heart problems. Stop using immediately if undesirable effects develop. Keep out of reach of children. Store this product in a cool, dry place. Do not use more than one capsule every 60 hours.
Tribulus-Terestirs, Lyco-pene, L-Arinine, Damiana Leaf, Gurarana, Ginlo, Maca, Vitamin B12, Viamin C, Vitamin D3, Zinc Oxdie, Ginger